Kiss Me Deadly

Kiss Me Deadly

Robert Aldrich’s film version of Mickey Spillane’s pulp novel is one of the most memorably brutal noirs ever produced during what some refer to as the Golden Age of Hollywood. Ralph Meeker plays Spillane’s iconic tough guy private eye Mike Hammer, who finds himself embroiled in a complicated case involving a woman on the run (Cloris Leachman), a femme fatale (Gaby Rodgers), and a mysterious suitcase. Vivid Los Angeles location filming includes many scenes in downtown’s Bunker Hill area, before the neighborhood’s controversial redevelopment.

DIRECTED BY: Robert Aldrich. WRITTEN BY: A. I. Bezzerides. WITH: Ralph Meeker, Albert Dekker, Paul Stewart, Juano Hernandez. 1955. 105 min. USA. B&W. English. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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