Self-parking, accessible parking, and electric vehicle charging options are available. The Academy Museum also welcomes visitors traveling via bicycle, public transit, and rideshare.

Roddenberry Lane → entrance on Fairfax Ave.
Hours → Daily 10am–6pm; closed on Tuesdays.
LACMA Pritzker Parking Garage
6000 W 6th St, Los Angeles, CA 90036 → entrance on 6th St.
Hours → Daily 5am–10pm
Cost $21 ($13 after 8pm entry) Accessible spots on P1, adjacent to elevators EV charging stations on P1 and P2
Petersen Automotive Museum Garage
744 S. Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036 → entrance on Fairfax Ave. or 8th St.
Hours → Daily 6am–11pm
Cost $24 (first 15 minutes are free) Accessible spots on P1 only; no garage elevator EV charging stations on P1