Vaya follows three strangers boarding a Johannesburg-bound train, united by their quests for family assistance. However, betrayed by those they sought, they become trapped and isolated in the city. The film intricately weaves three plots, converging in a compelling narrative of survival and dignity amid urban challenges. The first story introduces a man seeking a job from his influential cousin, only to discover he must commit murder. The second story follows a young man striving to reclaim his father’s body from his urban “city family.” Lastly, a young woman’s journey reveals her aunt's hidden life and forces a fateful decision between dreams and responsibility.
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Film Program
Thursday, February 1, 2024
The Little Girl Who Sold the Sun with Atlantiques and Le Franc
Introduction by guest programmer Mo Abudu, CEO EbonyLife Group
Film Program
Friday, February 2, 2024
Sambizanga preceded by Monangambé
Introduction by guest programmer Mo Abudu, CEO EbonyLife Group
Film Program
Saturday, February 3, 2024
This is Not a Burial, It's a Resurrection
Introduction by guest programmer Mo Abudu, CEO EbonyLife Group