The Last Bolshevik

The Last Bolshevik

After making films as part of a collective in the 1960s named for the Russian director Aleksandr Medvedkin, Marker made a documentary on its namesake

After making films as part of a collective in the 1960s named for the Russian director Aleksandr Medvedkin, Marker made a documentary on its namesake. The film is both a tribute to Medvedkin (who was a committed Bolshevik) and a journey into film history. It also serves as a history of Russia and its current place in the world.

DIRECTOR: Chris Marker. 1992. 100 min. France. Color. French. Digital.

All film screenings in The Path of the Cat: Chris Marker’s Centennial series are available here

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation.

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