Swoon in 35mm

Swoon in 35mm

Introduction by Bill Kramer, Chief Executive Officer of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Winner of the Cinematography Award at the edition of the Sundance Film Festival that inspired B. Ruby Rich to invent the term New Queer Cinema, Tom Kalin’s feature debut “puts the Homo back in Homicide” with a decidedly queer take on the real-life 1924 case of Leopold and Loeb, two teenage lovers who murdered a younger boy in what they considered to be the perfect crime. This Jazz Age black-and-white indie makes strong use of cinematographer Ellen Kuras’s dramatic visuals to emphasize the isolating reality of Leopold and Loeb’s existence; as gay Jewish men in the 1920s, their feelings of ostracization were implanted long before the pair committed their crimes.

DIRECTED BY: Tom Kalin. WRITTEN BY: Tom Kalin, Hilton Als. WITH: Craig Chester, Daniel Schlachet, Michael Kirby, Michael Stumm. 1992. 93 min. USA. B&W, Color. English. 35mm.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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