
Alfred Hitchcock took a break from all-star, Technicolor entertainments to work with his TV crew to film this small-scale, black-and-white chiller that revolutionized film horror and earned the Master his final Oscar® nomination.

Alfred Hitchcock took a break from all-star, Technicolor entertainments to work with his TV crew to film this small-scale, black-and-white chiller that revolutionized film horror and earned the “Master of Suspense” his final Oscar nomination. Marion Crane (Janet Leigh, nominated for Supporting Actress) is the troubled woman on the run, Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) is the lonely owner of the motel where she ends up spending the night, and what happens when they meet is cinema history, abetted by Bernard Herrmann’s timeless, all-string score. 

Director: Alfred Hitchcock. Cast: Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin, Janet Leigh. 1960. 109 minutes. USA. B&W. English. DCP. 

All film screenings of Oscar® Frights! are available here.