
The 1883 children’s novel by Carlo Collodi inspired the second animated feature produced by The Walt Disney Company, one of the studio’s most enduring classics. This tale of the lonely woodcutter Geppetto and his puppet who longs to be “a real boy” features some of the most vivid imagery in the Disney canon, including the colossal Monstro and Lampwick’s startling transformation scene. The film earned two Oscars, for the original score by Leigh Harline, Paul J. Smith, and Ned Washington, and the song “When You Wish Upon A Star” by Harline and Washington.  

DIRECTED BY: Ben Sharpsteen, Hamilton Luske. WRITTEN BY: Ted Sears, Webb Smith, Joseph Sabo, Otto Englander, William Cottrell, Erdman Penner, Aurelius Battaglia. WITH: Dickie Jones, Cliff Edwards, Christian Rub, Walter Catlett. 1940. 87 min. USA. Color. English. Rated G; suitable for ages 6+. DCP. 

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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