Paris Is Burning

Paris Is Burning

Following members of New York City’s ballroom scene started by Black and Latinx gay and transgender communities in Harlem, Paris Is Burning documents the inner workings of ball culture from its origins and competitions to the houses and the mothers who founded them. Shot through interviews conducted between the mid- and late-1980s, the film offers an intimate portrait of ballroom legends as they share their dreams and aspirations, as well as the significance of chosen families and creating a space for expressing themselves freely. Critically acclaimed upon its release, this landmark documentary remains highly influential, and was added to the National Film Registry in 2016.

DIRECTED BY: Jennie Livingston. WITH: Carmen and Brooke, André Christian, Dorian Corey, Paris Duprée. 1990. 78 min. USA. Color. English. Rated R. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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