My Travels with Cecilia with Tommaso and La Canta delle Marane (The Marshes’ Chant)
My Travels with Cecilia with Tommaso and La Canta delle Marane (The Marshes’ Chant)
At the age of 86, Cecilia Mangini, with co-director Mariangela Barbanente, travelled back to her regional place of birth in the wake of a labor dispute at the town’s factory.
At the age of 86, Cecilia Mangini, with co-director Mariangela Barbanente, travelled back to her regional place of birth in the wake of a labor dispute at the town’s factory. Decades after she had filmed workers in the town, Mangini finds them again and examines what has and hasn’t changed. Her shorts on this subject are woven into the film, too.
My Travels with Cecilia screens with Tommaso, a short on the grinding nature of industrial labor, and La Canta delle Marane, which showcases socioeconomic hardships belying the joyful play of a group of boys.
My Travels with Cecilia
Directors: Cecilia Mangini, Mariangela Barbanente. 2013. 74 min. Italy. B&W and Color. Italian. DCP.
Director: Cecilia Mangini. 1965. 12 min. Italy. B&W. Italian. DCP.
La Canta delle Marane
Director: Cecilia Mangini. 1962. 12 min. Italy. B&W. Italian. DCP.
All film screenings of Rare Takes: The Works of Cecilia Mangini are available here.
Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation.
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