Mulholland Drive in 4K

Mulholland Drive in 4K

Spirited ingénue Betty Elms (Naomi Watts) sets off to Hollywood with dreams of stardom. When she arrives, she comes upon a mysterious woman, Rita (Laura Elena Harring), overcome with amnesia following a car accident. As they investigate to find Rita’s identity, they discover the dark underbelly of the film industry. One of the longest roads in Los Angeles, David Lynch (ever enamored by the city) was inspired to pay tribute to the titular drive due to its legend, stating that one can feel Hollywood’s history driving through the mysterious winding road that stretches from the Hollywood Hills to the Santa Monica Mountains.

DIRECTED/WRITTEN BY: David Lynch. WITH: Justin Theroux, Naomi Watts, Laura Elena Harring, Ann Miller. 2001. 147 min. USA. Color. English, Spanish, French. Rated R. 4K DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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