Looking for Langston

Looking for Langston

Looking for Langston is a poetic manifestation of the reimagined world of James Mercer Langston Hughes—an American poet, social activist, novelist, and playwright. A meditation on Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance, Isaac Julien’s 1989 black-and-white film travels between the realms of realism and surrealism, explicitly exploring desires and fantasies of Black queer artists and writers including Hughes and James Baldwin—and their ghosts. Looking for Langston is a captivating gateway to a world where the spirits of the marginalized can freely dream, exist, and love.

DIRECTED/WRITTEN BY: Isaac Julien. WITH: Ben Ellison, Matthew Baidoo, Akim Mogaji, John Wilson. 1989. 45 min. UK. B&W. English. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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