In a Lonely Place in 4K

In a Lonely Place in 4K

A fading screenwriter (Humphrey Bogart) is the prime suspect in the brutal murder of a hat-check girl. The only person who seems able to supply an alibi is the seductive woman next door: Gloria Grahame in one of her greatest performances as an aspiring actress with a troubled past. A claustrophobic noir from legendary director Nicholas Ray, In a Lonely Place adapts Dorothy B. Hughes’s taut novel of the same name and remains one of the director’s most personal films, partially shot in the same courtyard apartment complex where Ray first lived in Los Angeles, West Hollywood’s Villa Primavera.

DIRECTED BY: Nicholas Ray. WRITTEN BY: Andrew Solt, Edmund H. North. WITH: Humphrey Bogart, Gloria Grahame, Frank Lovejoy, Carl Benton Reid. 1950. 95 min. USA. B&W. English. 4K DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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