Imperfect Journey

Where Adwa looks back at the recent history of Ethiopia and its proud anti-colonial past, Gerima’s Imperfect Journey is a look at the country in its post-Cold War state in the early 1990s.

Where Adwa looks back at the recent history of Ethiopia and its proud anti-colonial past, Gerima’s Imperfect Journey is a look at the country in its post-Cold War state in the early 1990s. Commissioned by the BBC, Imperfect Journey finds Gerima accompanied by Polish writer Ryszard Kapuscinski as they crisscross the country interviewing Ethiopians about life after decades under the repressive, Soviet-backed regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. Working in video for the first time, Gerima crafts a vibrant panorama that gives voice to the Ethiopian people, both young and old, as they continue to wrestle with the realities of their country.

Director: Haile Gerima. 1994. 88 minutes. Ethiopia/USA/Italy. Color. Amharic, English. Digital. 

All film screenings of Imperfect Journey: Haile Gerima and His Comrades are available here.