Go Fish in 4K

Go Fish in 4K

Special guest: Post-screening conversation with writer, director Rose Troche.

West Coast Restoration Premiere

Lesbian college student Max (Guinevere Turner) is let down by the current state of her love life. Her roommate Kia (T. Wendy McMillan) devises a ruse to get Max on a date with Ely (V.S. Brodie), an older lesbian Max initially disregards. As Max and Ely find themselves drawn to each other, Max realizes Ely isn’t as available as she thought. Go Fish was one of the first films made following B. Ruby Rich’s 1992 article owing its genesis to the piece and to the frustration of the lack of lesbian representation during this pivotal time in queer independent cinema.

DIRECTED BY: Rose Troche. WRITTEN BY: Guinevere Turner, Rose Troche. WITH: V.S. Brodie, Guinevere Turner, T. Wendy McMillan, Migdalia Melendez. 1994. 83 min. USA. Color. English. Rated R. 4K DCP. Digitally restored by the Academy Film Archive and the UCLA Film & Television Archive in conjunction with the Sundance Institute. Funding provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Amazon MGM Studios, Frameline, Sundance Institute, and the UCLA Film & Television Archive.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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