Escape from L.A. in 4K

Escape from L.A. in 4K

John Carpenter’s sequel to his cult hit Escape from New York (1981) is set in a future where Los Angeles has become a heavily guarded island containing the scum of society and those unwilling to live by the ultra-conservative president’s morality laws. Kurt Russell collaborated on the screenplay and returns as Snake Plissken, who is offered a pardon for his past crimes if he infiltrates the island and escapes with a weapon of mass destruction stolen by a rebel. Social commentary and camp abound in Carpenter’s post-apocalyptic vision of iconic Los Angeles locations including Sunset Boulevard and Beverly Hills.

DIRECTED BY: John Carpenter. WRITTEN BY: John Carpenter, Debra Hill, Kurt Russell. WITH: Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach, Steve Buscemi, Valeria Golino. 1996. 101 min. USA. Color. Scope. English. Rated R. 4K DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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