Dimensions of Sound in Movies: Fantasy

Dimensions of Sound in Movies: Fantasy

Learn and explore the art behind creating new sounds for fictional and animated worlds in this workshop for theater-goers ages 15 and up.

While some sound designers focus on recreating the world around us, a film’s sound team may also have to decide the sounds of the objects, creatures, and technology of new, fantastical, or fictional worlds. Sound designers choose or create anything we hear in a movie theater, including the sounds of things we have not heard before.

This workshop will consider: how do sound designers create these new sounds? How do we create new sounds that still feel natural? What are the different qualities of a sound?

For this fantasy-focused session, we will listen to what makes a sound to better understand how to create fictional, fantasy, and sci-fi sounds never heard before. After an active listening session focused on what and how objects make noise, we will work with Garageband to understand how new sounds are created.

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