Diary for My Children with Diary for My Lovers

Diary for My Children with Diary for My Lovers

Diary for My Children
Mészáros drew on her own wartime experiences to craft this haunting portrait of a young woman coming of age amidst a turbulent historical moment. After losing her father in the Stalinist purges, strong-willed teenager Juli (Zsuzsa Czinkóczi) is brought back to Hungary to live with Magda (Anna Polony), a rigid Communist Party official who embodies the icy intellectual repression that has begun to take hold in the country. As she navigates an unfamiliar new world—one caught between the shock of World War II and the rising tide of Stalinism—Juli must fight to retain her sense of self. Winner of the Grand Prix at Cannes, Diary for My Children is a heartrending personal testimony from an artist revisiting the traumas of the past with a clear and critical eye.

DIRECTOR: Márta Mészáros. WRITTEN BY: Márta Mészáros. CAST: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Anna Polony, Jan Nowicki. 1984. 106 min. Hungary. B&W. Scope. Hungarian. DCP.

Diary for My Lovers
Mészáros’s follow-up to Diary for My Children picks up the story of teenage Juli (Zsuzsa Czinkóczi), the director’s stand-in, as she defies the wishes of her Stalinist aunt (Anna Polony) and leaves Hungary in order to pursue her dream of becoming a filmmaker in Moscow. There, Juli must navigate the bureaucratic propaganda machine that demands she conform to its ideas of “realism” while searching desperately for her missing father. Interweaving its heroine’s journey with the political upheavals of the postwar Eastern Bloc—from the death of Stalin to the short-lived promise of liberalization to the Hungarian Revolution of 1956—Diary for My Lovers is a stirring depiction of a young woman finding her voice in a world intent on stifling it.

DIRECTOR: Márta Mészáros. WRITTEN BY: Márta Mészáros, Éva Pataki. CAST: Zsuzsa Czinkóczi, Anna Polony, Jan Nowicki. 1987. 141 min. Hungary. Color. Hungarian. DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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