Devil in a Blue Dress in 4K

Devil in a Blue Dress in 4K

Set in 1948, World War II veteran Ezekiel “Easy” Rawlins (Denzel Washington) is paid to investigate the disappearance of Daphne Monet (Jennifer Beals), the girlfriend of a Los Angeles mayoral candidate and a regular among the juke joints. As Easy inches closer to locating Daphne, he uncovers a darker truth connected to her disappearance. Based on the novel of the same name by Walter Mosley, the film takes place in South LA, primarily illustrating the vibrant historical Black jazz strip that once lined Central Avenue.

DIRECTED/WRITTEN BY: Carl Franklin. WITH: Denzel Washington, Tom Sizemore, Jennifer Beals, Don Cheadle. 1995. 102 min. USA. Color. English. Rated R. 4K DCP.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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