Calm Morning: Monsters, Inc.

Calm Morning: Monsters, Inc.

Join us for sensory-friendly gallery exploration and a family workshop inspired by the accessible screening of Monsters, Inc. (2001).

We invite visitors to our Calm Mornings program on Saturday, August 31, from 9am to 1pm, inspired by the film Monsters, Inc. (2001). ASL interpretation will be provided. 

9–10am | Early Gallery Access 
Explore the Inventing Worlds and Characters: Animation and Effects galleries in our Stories of Cinema exhibition on Level 3, where sound and lighting adjustments will be made for a more sensory-friendly viewing experience. 

10–11am | Family Workshop 
Visit the Shirley Temple Education Studio on the museum’s Lower Level for a family workshop inspired by Monsters, Inc. (2001). Families can create their own monsters inspired by the characters of Monsters, Inc.

In addition to the Calm Mornings program, we encourage visitors to attend our accessible, open-caption screening of Monsters, Inc. at 11am in the Ted Mann Theater. The screening is part of our weekly Family Matinees film series. A separate admission ticket is required. 

The Shirley Temple Education Studio will remain open during the screening as a space for relaxation and continued art-making until 1pm. 
If you have any questions or need assistance planning your visit, please email  

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