Breathless in 35mm

Breathless in 35mm

Richard Gere is Jesse Lujack, a reckless street hustler, in Jim McBride’s Breathless, a remake of the 1960 French film of the same name by Jean-Luc Godard. Jesse’s aggressive infatuation with Monica (Valérie Kaprisky), a French architecture student at UCLA, persuades her to join him in dangerous shenanigans sweeping through the city of Los Angeles as they stumble upon risky, yet exhilarating adventures, amplified by the dynamic soundtrack featuring artists such as Jerry Lee Lewis and the Los Angeles punk band X.

DIRECTED BY: Jim McBride. WRITTEN BY: L. M. Kit Carson, Jim McBride. WITH: Richard Gere, Valérie Kaprisky, Art Metrano, John P. Ryan. 1983. 100 min. USA. Color. English. Rated R. 35mm. Print courtesy of the Academy Film Archive.

Academy Museum film programming generously funded by the Richard Roth Foundation. 

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